Cara Meningkatkan Revenue Adsense

00.18 Bandit Kesiangan 4 Comments

Barusan aku dapat website yang bisa ningkatin pendapatan adsense kita namanya Sedikit penjelasannya
When you refer a new member to with your referral link, you will have your AdSense ID displayed on every content pages this member submits, 100% of the time, for life! Even if this new member doesn't have an AdSense account! Your AdSense ad will be located within the text of his scoop, just below the tags. When a member with no referrer submits a content page, you can see an AdSense ad at the very bottom of the screen, this is the third ad (out of the three allowed by AdSense on a single page) and it is removed to make space for your AdSense ad on every pages submitted by members you referred. If you promote your referral link to your online friends and visitors, your AdSense earnings will quickly add up! :-)
Nah tuh, singkatnya, jika kita mereferkan seseorang ke kita bakal dapat click secara gak langsung gitu. Daftarnya lewat referral ane yaa. click disini

4 komentar:

  1. takut ahh...
    ntar kalo di banned sama mr "G" gmn?

  2. Saya rasa hal ini kurang baik buat account kita, cara terbaik buat meningkatkan adsense adalah bukan seperti itu. kita memerlukan usaha dan kerja keras
